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Rift Application - Thimlee

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Rift Application - Thimlee Empty Rift Application - Thimlee

Post by thimlee Tue Mar 15, 2011 1:58 pm

1. Character Name: I just got around to buying the game after playing in Beta so I'm hoping I can still use the same name: Thimlee

2. Age:25

3. Timezone (EST, CST, PST): Central

4. Previous MMO experience: 6 years WoW; 1 year EQ2; Warhammer; Aion
Since Vanilla, killed KT in naxx40; KJ pre-patch;
Season 3, 4, 6 glad (druid), killed heroic LK25 in May last year as MT for guild. Didn't really pick up raiding in Cata; really horrific imbalances in arena made me not want to play it for that anymore.
EQ2: raided endgame during EoF (5 hours a day 7 days a week); avatars etc. Not a lot of sleep or schoolwork was getting done that semester... I played a Defiler and eventually a Mystic.
Warhammer: Runepriest; endgame was terrible, but was kind of fun leveling at release
Aion: Sorcerer; kind of fun in pvp but the level grind was absolutely horrific korean bullshit.

5. Primary Spec (Please note you may be asked to spec something different situation to situation): For PVP probably a dominator/warlock mix or something along those lines of control; possibly chloromancer. For PVE I'll play anything -- I enjoy dps, support, healing equally as much if it's what's needed. So whatever fills the gap (for mage).

6. Are you more PvE or PvP oriented:
I do a lot of both. I couldn't really pick one. I like to do everything.

7. Do you have Team Speak AND are you able to use it for events: teamspeak, vent, skype, etc.

8. Our schedule has yet to be determined for Rift as the game is still fresh, but we generally have events 3 nights during the week, starting around 8pm EST and lasting roughly 2 hours, and one event during the weekend that lasts two hours. Will you be able to attend a majority of our events?:My evenings are free every day of the week

9. Can you take criticism?: I pretty much expect it from other good players; it's the only way we get better.

10. Who is your Daddy, and what does he do?: I've no idea.


Posts : 1
Join date : 2011-03-15

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